The Brand

About this Section
This section includes our history, values ​​, and definitions that describe our organization's personality, work, and expertise. It will also allow you to understand how to manage the image and the actions that the audience should observe.

Brand History

Kreathink® began operations in Quito, Ecuador, in 2008 with the idea of ​​a Design and Architecture studio that would meet the needs of clients in reference to commercial interior spaces, developing graphic design and advising on corporate identity strategies.

By 2013, some of its clients included Pepsi® Co., Clarín®, Green Peace®, ESPN® Latin America, American Express®, Orange® Spain, among others. Its founder, Jorge Luis Valverde, used Kreathink® for the publication of the book “From Entrepreneurship to Microenterprise” by the Spanish Academic Publishing House for the European Community, a book that deals with the influence of Design in the evolution of companies and its ability to accelerate businesses with Branding strategies.

In 2015, Kreathink® became a Branding Studio Specialized in Corporate Image, serving larger-scale projects that required market research, visual communication systems, brand strategy development, design and execution of advertising campaigns, and finally evaluation and assessment of brand positioning in the market.

Some of the companies successfully served were Casa Brasil®, Only® by Exofrut®, Fundación Terranueva, IMDQ, Coperor Capital®, InterRe®, Tranquility Health®, Berkeley® Music School, TexCaz®, Sterling Treaty Re®, among others. The company has exhibited work at important fairs and conferences in Latin America such as Cromía, Innova 2017, MetroDesignWeek, UPCycling, SID8, International Design Congress, Networking DC, and Diseño en Palermo by the University of Palermo.

In 2018, Kreathink® is anchored to economic groups to develop businesses, brand strategies, execute advertising activities and implement marketing plans for holdings, product lines and build strategic alliances.

Until this year, Kreathink® and some of its collaborators have obtained professional recognitions such as the First Prize to the Brandbook of the Central Society of Architects (Argentina), the Official Mention to La Metro Identity: Brand of the Metropolitan Institute of Design by the Ibero-American Design Biennial (Spain), and the CSS Design Award of August 2016 with Kreathink® Website.

In 2022, Kreathink® opens its commercial office in Dallas, Texas, United States, with the intention of strengthening operations at a regional level to provide Design, Strategic Branding and Business Design services focused on entrepreneurs and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Kreathink® is currently expanding operations from Cheyenne, Wyoming, in the United States, to serve clients throughout the Americas and is seeking connections in Europe that will allow it to establish itself as an organization specialized in Branding and Business Design that solves its clients’ market positioning problems.

Brand Values

Our brand values constitute the meaning that we want our work to have. Therefore, our brand values reflect what’s fundamentally important to us and our collaborators.

Brand Positioning

Our brand values constitute the meaning that we want our work to have. Therefore, our brand values reflect what’s fundamentally important to us and our collaborators.

Internal Vision

Internal Vision Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Strength & Opportunities

SWOT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Internal Audience

Internal Audience Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Buyer Persona #1

Internal Audience Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Buyer Persona #2

Internal Audience Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Company Ecosystem

Company Ecosystem Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Market/Niche Space

Company Ecosystem Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Competitive Advantages

Competitive Advantages Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Kreathink® Personality

Kreathink® is a challenger who embodies bold and rebellious professionalism that disrupts the status quo and challenges conventional thinking. We are driven to innovate and provoke change, positioning ourselves as daring alternatives to traditional industry norms. They empower their audience by offering something different and structured, focusing on revolution and innovation. We attract passionate, forward-thinking audiences motivated by transformation and inspired by ideas that question standards.


Bold, rebellious, assertive, confident, daring, energetic, non-conformist.


Storyteller, technology exploration, problem-solver, public speaker, travel and cultural exposition, and writer.

Brand Expression

Our brand values constitute the meaning that we want our work to have. Therefore, our brand values reflect what’s fundamentally important to us and our collaborators.

Intelligence (Territory)

Kreathink®’s territory exists at the intersection of Branding, Design, Technology, Marketing, and Business, offering a holistic approach that empowers companies to build a robust ecosystem that inspires, connects, and evolves with the market. Our deep understanding of business dynamics allows us to create brands that are not only visually compelling but also aligned with our client’s growth objectives.

We drive innovation, simplify complex brand processes, and provide businesses with the tools and strategies to communicate their value clearly and confidently to the world. Kreathink’s territory spans the entire brand journey—from ideation to execution—pushing boundaries and delivering meaningful results, all while stimulating growth, trust, and long-term success for every client.

Tone and Voice

Provocative, fearless, and direct. We often speak with acquaintance and passion, urging our audience to wake up and embrace change.

We work with fearless brands

Hello, we are Kreathink®.
What can we help you with?”

Great to have you here today

Let’s change the game…

Visual Expression

Visual Expression Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ego trinity’s mucro medirum

Brand Sense

Our brand communicates through all senses, not just words. Some research suggests over 85% of our impressions are nonverbal, forming closer emotional connections with our audiences.


Sight Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ego trinity’s mucro medirum


Scent Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ego trinity’s mucro medirum


Sound Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ego trinity’s mucro medirum


Touch Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ego trinity’s mucro medirum


Taste Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ego trinity’s mucro medirum
Download or share visual assets from our Brand Sense Gallery

Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture explanation and objectives Hobbies Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ego trinity’s mucro medirum

Download or share visual assets from our Brand Architecture Gallery
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